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Dear Spirit Sister,

If you dig a garden, plant some seeds, tend the plants, and watch them grow. If you harvest and dry, make medicine and tea, you just might find yourself in a sisterhood with the flowers and the trees, and all the greens, the roots and fungus and Earth. You may find yourself in a spellbinding dream, a deep relationship with plant medicine and your wild and truest self….


I designed this deck with the purpose of honouring the plants I love. As my relationship with these plants has grown over the last many years, the loveliness of each special herb has found her way into my heart. I hope that they find their way into your heart too. May these cards provide a beautiful learning tool for you, and a deeper connection to the spirits of these plants in your herbal medicine journey. Here are 40 of my dearest Sisters.



Use these cards however they speak to you.


Flash Cards:  Quiz yourself, use for quick reference, focus your study on specific plants and their medicine, organize herbs into classes of actions and energetics, compare and contrast, and refine your choice of herbs for the person and the condition.


Oracle Deck: Draw a card and use each plant spirit as an inspirational gateway to self-reflection, or guidance for journaling or meditation.


Words of Affirmation: We can look at the healing nature of plants as connection to our deeper selves. These cards call us to pay attention to our own virtues, and all the glimmering, fluctuating facets of our being.

Spirit Sister Plant Medicine Card Deck

SKU: 0003
  • This deck contains 41 3.5x5" cards, including 40 different herb cards and a Spirit Sister Card, all drawn and designed by Rachel Boult.

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